Friday, November 18, 2016

A Day In The Life Of A Stay AT Home Mom

Ever wonder what a Stay At Home Mom does all day?

Ever wonder what a Stay At Home Mom does all day?

Yes, I'm a stay at home mom. I'm super excited to be doing this collaboration with Luz, an awesome Mommy blogger I recently connected with. Recently, we got together and decided to write about our experiences- as a Stay AT Home Mom...and, A Working Mother! 
Today, I will be answering her questions below about my life and experience, and if you check out her blog, you will be able to read her responses to my questions! I'm naturally intrigued by Mother's who are able to work a full time job-in, or outside the home. This was a lot of fun for me to write!

Question 1: Why Did I Choose To Be A Stay At Home Mom? (Or was it even a choice?)

Wish I could say my decision was more strategically planned, but however, it wasn't that complex. I worked in the beginning of my pregnancy, until morning sickness nearly had me hospitalized and on bed rest. Then, due to my husband traveling abroad for school, I moved in with my family, waiting his return. We had our son a month after my husband came back, and then it was Full-Time Mommy Mode! So between barely handling horrible pregnancy symptoms, and moving (twice), I just never went back to work. And honestly, never thought that much about it.
Until I became bombarded with questions, like, "When are you going back to work? Six weeks? Eight weeks?"
Once I considered what "working" would require; leaving my newborn with a babysitter the majority of the day, subjecting myself to pumping breastmilk and the hassle of bags/bottle/plastic nipples, and the general cost of childcare. I decided that everything would be more beneficial to my child's well being, and my personal finances, if I remained at home. My husband more than take's care of us, and I don't have to worry about what my baby is doing/feeling/needing. It made sense at the time, and we've been doing it ever since.

Question 2: When Do You Ever have "Me" Time? When do you ever rest?

Very, very sporadically! Because my husband is usually out of the house, I am #1 for the baby. As well as running an entire household. It is, literally, a full-time job. Since my child requires a certain amount of care and attention, I must juggle household chores around his schedule. I honestly wish naps were longer!
But the very end of the day, once he's in bed for (at least) a few hours, I am able to find my "me" time. That's when I write, or relax, even catch up on what else I didn't accomplish that day.
"Me time" is important for a SAHM, even if it's very short lived 

Question 3: What is your everyday routine like?

Mornings are spent getting breakfast out of the way, and my husband out the door. Then, I bounce between morning chores and entertaining my 16 month old. Nap time is when (if I don't sleep with him, which isn't often) I am able to handle most tasks on the computer. Along with blogging, I admin a cloth diaper b/s/t group, and take requires more time than one would think. 
The afternoon is full of either finishing up housework, keeping the baby doing something, or completing a few outside errands. After dinner is done, and I get the baby to sleep, I can finally have some time for my husband, and myself. It takes a lot to keep a household running smoothly.

Question 4: Do You Wish You Could Work Out Of The Home?

I've had my fair share of positions outside home, before children. And while I enjoyed them, I'm not exactly itching to go back. Yes, I sometimes crave adult interaction, and lothe children's songs on repeat. But in the grand scheme of things, I feel that it's better for my baby that I stay at home. I feel it's better for his development, education, and our finances. If I worked, a good amount of my earnings would be going to childcare. Not to mention the anxiety I would put myself through worrying about my child; Is he happy? Is he ok? Does he miss me? And I would be missing out on so much! My son is only this age for so long. I don't want to miss a thing. The office isn't going away.

Question 5: Do you plan on being a SAHM until your son goes to school? Or what is the plan?

I'm not making any plans for the future. Because plans can change. And even when my son is in school, I want to be active in his education. PTA, after-school activities, sports-all those things are important, and I want to be there for every part of it. And it's too soon to try to figure how how to coordinate my work schedule and his school schedule. So if the opportunity arises that I can return to work, then I may take it, but it will really depend on what's going on at the time.
So, now you know more about my life as a Stay At Home Mom. Want to see what questions I asked my friend Luz, at Adventures With Nico, about being a Working Mom? Go to her blog here and read all about it!
Ever wonder what a Stay At Home Mom does all day?

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