Monday, October 31, 2016

October Update

So, incase you were wondering what's been going on lately, like why I haven't been posting as often - Things have been very hectic down here!

I've had a lot of Halloween-y stuff planned for the blog, but here it is the 31st, and none have been accomplished. But this month has been super busy - planing the launch (and move!) of this blog on my own domain, coming soon, and making sure my son has alots of fun with the Fall Festivities taking place around the area.

I'm the kind of person that doesn't like to start projects unless I can absolutely finish them, within a reasonable time frame. if I feel like I can't-I simply don't even start them.

Which leads me to procrastination, which I recently did write about on Wisdom.Ninja, a site I will be contributing to occasionally, and you can read the full article here on why I feel like procrastination has made me into a better mother.

Just because I'm putting off the mountain of housework I need to complete before I start packing for our move to a new city, or I'm not even going to consider tackling the daunting task of moving to my own new website; don't necessarily mean I'm resting on my laurels. The times you don't see me so much on social media, is because I'm spending that time with my child, learning new things. Making memories with Bruce at a Trunk-or-Treat is a little more important than organizing the hall closet as well.

It's important not to let the To-Do Lists and anxiety, over chores and errands (and even hobbies and goals) get in the way of being a parent. And sometimes you have to just put it all off for a while, and play with your child. The bonding experience and memories are so much more important than a pile of laundry on the floor.

But - I am getting back into the swing of things, so in the meantime, check out this post, and I will have more coming soon, and (eventually) the launch of a new site!!

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